The City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program unites artists and communities through a collaborative process, rooted in the traditions of mural-making, to create art that transforms public spaces and individual lives. The Mural Arts Porch Light Program works closely with communities to uplift
public art as an expression of community resilience and a
vehicle of personal and community healing. We create murals that focus
specifically on mental health and substance use, as well as other issues that affect
our mental health including faith and spirituality, homelessness, trauma,
immigration, war and community safety and tensions.
For more info: & PhillyRising targets neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia that are plagued by chronic crime and quality of life concerns, and establishes partnerships with community members to address these issues. The PhillyRising Team coordinates the actions of City agencies to help neighbors realize their vision for their community through sustainable, responsive, and cost-effective solutions.
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The City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services has integrated its behavioral health care and intellectual disability services into one comprehensive system. DBHIDS components provide services through a network of agencies while collaborating with the Philadelphia School District, child welfare and judicial systems, and other stakeholders. DBHIDS embraces a vision of recovery, resilience, and self-determination. We continue to shift to a model of care directed by the person in recovery. In this model, professional treatment is one aspect among many that supports people in managing their own conditions while building their own recovery resources.
For more info: For more than five years Broad Street Ministry (BSM) has been at the forefront in terms of creating unique, trauma-informed indoor dining experiences. And during that time we have developed several valuable partnerships with social service providers. Now that we have added two evening meals and a Saturday lunch to the Breaking Bread line-up, the next stage of our growth in this work is to bring more providers into BSM’s space in an even more integrated and collaborative way.
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NAMI PA, Main Line is a grassroots, nonprofit organization of persons with mental illness, their families and friends, dedicated to improving the quality of life of all those affected by mental illness through support, advocacy and education.
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The Philadelphia Coalition is a membership organization committed to strengthening its member agencies by providing opportunities for networking, education, information exchange, representation on various local and state stakeholder committees and work groups, as well as by providing a range of support services. Our common mission is to improve the access to and quality of services provided in the Philadelphia Behavioral Health/Developmental Disabilities system, to maximize the efficiency of our organizations, and to strive for the satisfaction of every person who seeks support from our agencies.
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